27 research outputs found

    Implementation Of Lean Process Management Through Enhanced Problem Solving Capabilities.

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    All Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) organizations in Aerospace, Automotive and Electronics industries had to upgrade their functions. These organizations including suppliers and solutions providers are duty bound to improve their functions through strategic initiatives. One such initiative is Lean Process Management. Lean Process Management has proven to aid organizations in developing manufacturing and administrative management solutions and make the organization a leaner at the same time a 'fitter' one, achieving World Class standards in terms of production, quality, marketing, etc, etc. The issue or problem is, although a number of authors, experts, researchers have discussed the lean process management as part organization centric issues, they failed to provide an effective lean process management system. Besides the need to formulate an effective lean process as suggested by some authors, another important reason suggested is the employee's development aspect regarding how to unlock the infinite potential of their workforce. This employee's development is basically the problem solving capabilities of the employees while implementing the Lean through clear cutting protocols or processes of Lean Process Management

    A Framework To Develop Tools & Techniques Requirements Methodology For Implementing Lean Manufacturing

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    Increased global competition and customer demands that are looking for better quality product with less cost seem to force companies into implementing lean tools and techniques in their production line. This can lead them to keep or strengthen their competitive position by eliminating the waste of non value added activities and producing value to product that meet customer requirements without affecting the actual quality of the product produce. Example can be found in the automotive industry, electronic industry, aerospace industry, but also the service industry. The deployment of tools and techniques of lean manufacturing became important factor in implementing LM in manufacturing industry. This tools and techniques must be deploying properly so it can bring continuous improvement and sustainability in manufacturing perspective. This PhD proposal aspires to research the main question of how to determine the appropriate tools and techniques requirement methodology for an organization to implement and what are the tools and techniques that need to be deployed to achieve successful implementation. The literature review concerning this area of research has established that there were gaps in the knowledge that required further research. These research gaps with research scope are presented in detail in this paper. The overall specifications of the proposed methodology are also discussed

    Classification Of Losses In Overall Equipment Effectiveness Calculation

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    The intention of elimination of losses is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the production and reduce the unnecessary expenses. OEE is a performance metric of the machine or process and it provides information to the user to monitor and understand the actual situation of the machine compared to the ideal situation of the machine. Although six big losses are defined in the OEE, but it is still not clearly shows the scope of improvements in availability. Most of the time, users are more focus on the breakdown rather than setup process due to breakdown losses have greater impact on the OEE percentage. Therefore, excessive setup time or changeover time is hidden in the OEE. Furthermore, the frequency of the setup process and ideal setup time is not clearly stated in the OEE. The objective of this study is to visualize the availability losses by improve the classification of availability losses. The new classification of losses is examined by real data and it showed better visualization than traditional classification of losses. It is necessary to quantify these losses with modified OEE to visualize the losses in a better way

    Model of Transformational Leadership, Risk Management Factors Influencing on Law Performance

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    The ability of law enforcement organisations to effectively combat crime depends on their use of innovation and workplace transformation. When the need for change in law enforcement organisations' daily operations becomes more and more apparent, transformational leadership has been shown to be extremely beneficial in risk management and enhancing police performance. The right strategy for effective policing development and improving police officer performance is established by this leadership style. The Dubai Police Department's performance in enforcing the law suffers in the absence of effective risk management and transformational leadership, potentially jeopardising the relationship between officers and all departments. As a result, this study created a model outlining the causal links between risk management and transformational leadership and the effectiveness of law enforcement. This study was quantitatively conducted, collecting 381 completed responses that were statistically analysed using SPSS and AMOS. The responses gathered during the data collection process were verified by the reliability analysis. Using fit index parameters to define the relationship between risk management and transformational leadership and law enforcement performance, AMOS analysis revealed that the developed model is satisfactory. The police department will be able to effectively manage risk with the help of this finding in order to reduce crime and create a security plan for the officers

    Exploratory Analysis of Risk Management Process of UAE Police Department

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    Risk control and management are becoming increasingly important in many organisational operations. It goes beyond the business sector to include security organisations like police departments. The fact that police officers engage in a wide range of daily activities that expose them to a variety of potentially hazardous situations Police risk management includes both physical and financial aspects. Risk identification is the first step in the risk management process, followed by risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk treatment. According to the literature, the Dubai Police Department has no framework in place to fully manage risks and evaluate the effectiveness of police operations. Early warning systems are critical for detecting potential severe RM because police departments must rely on them to manage risks and keep track of any potential new risks. As a result, the UAE police department's risk management strategy was investigated in this paper. It classified the data collection process using exploratory factor analysis, which was a quantitative approach. A self-administered survey yielded 381 valid questionnaires from Dubai Police Department officers. The study's findings revealed that risk identification, risk analysis, risk evaluation, and risk response are the four fundamental steps of effective risk management. The Crobach Alpha test was used to assess the consistency and reliability of the data, and the result was 0.814, indicating that the data is suitable for use. Only one of the twenty indicators, which were divided into four groups for risk management, was weak according to outliers and communalities tests. The risk management process was accurately described by another 20 factors. Total variance extraction yielded a rate of 57.130 percent, which was higher than the required 50%. As a result, the risk management procedure investigated in this study may be useful for effectively managing risks in the UAE police force

    Examination of Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) in Term of Maynard's Operation Sequence Technique (MOST)

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    It is a common practice to quantify any process or entire production line in manufacturing industry especially to measure three main losses named time losses, performance losses and quality defect exist in production. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) fulfils the requirement by providing the measure of equipment via single measure which is monitored from time to time by responsible personnel so that corresponding optimization or Kaizen could be done. However, there are many lean wastes which could be 'invisible' or tolerated under the conventional definition of OEE. The hidden waste includes unnecessary production which was classified as operating time and the underestimated effect of excessive transportation or setup time. These could be minimized and sometimes avoidable via work measurement, method study and study of the work, which are under the study of Maynard's Operation Sequence Technique (MOST). This paper intends to examine and quantify the hidden lean waste in OEE from the perspective of method and work of an operation with the integration of MOST study. Operations are analyzed in every single step and broken down into details of activities, which are then re-designed for minimal non-value added activity in operation based on the standard allowable. The OEE data after the study of work is computed and compared with the OEE before the MOST study. The comparison shows the improvement in term of OEE after the MOST study and this implies that the hidden waste inside OEE definition could be tracked out for a better effectiveness. Any reduction in the non-value added activities or downtime ensure larger room for more value added activities or uptime and therefore the availability of production. It is expected to provide a new insight in implementing OEE at a different way and stay beware of the assumptions in OEE to avoid any hidden waste

    Managing Waste Elimination Database In Lean Manufacturing: Improve Problem Solving Capability

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    This study highlighted on managing the waste elimination database in lean manufacturing of the case study company. An application for managing the waste elimination database in lean manufacturing to improve the visual indicators and enhance the problem solving capabilities of the employees in the organization is introduced as the basic success factors to drive the process of continuous improvement culture forward. Ineffective database systems within the organization have caused the inaccurate, redundancy and inconsistency of data. Lean implementations are not successful because there is a lack of communication and involvement of all levels of employees. The study attempts to design an application in a personal database system to the employees at Lean department to keep track of the waste elimination database for analysis and evaluation purpose. Likewise, it’s also examined the employees’ problem solving capacity in waste eliminating project. Application in Microsoft Access is considered new in the case study company. The problems that faced are such as the human factors such as the fearful in changing and accepting IT systems and procedures. Application in Microsoft Access is considered new in the case study company. The employees in Lean department can easily keep track on the improvement projects and the management can monitor on the improvement task and problem solving capabilities of the employees. The visual indicators are improved because meaningful chart and reports are generated for visual and filling purpose. Besides, implementing the problem solving cycle in the designed application to improve the problem solving activities which is also an important element in creating continuous improvement culture. As the many factors such as human factors and skills in using the database application are affected the effectiveness of the designed application. The cost saving value after implementation the database application is difficult to obtain as some study subject are difficult to measure in term of cost

    Performance Measure Of Industrial Robotics In Lean Enterprise: A Case Study In Semiconductor Industry

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    Industrial robotics replaced human workers in almost all fields due to their abilities to multitask, flexibility and configurability in any position they involved in. However, implementing industrial robotics is challenging due to their high cost, expert handling, and complexity. The object of this study is to determine the performance measurement using the QCDAC method or (quality, cost, delivery, accountability and continual improvement) then categorized according to lean principles and then identifying seven main areas that the industrial robotics contributes in the semi-conductor company. The performance identification and ranking is done by using Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM) methodology to identify the most affected performance of the model and to clarify the industrial robotics performance in these areas in which the industrial robotics fit and compatible with the lean enterprise. Human- robot interaction considered to guarantee the workers' safety working alongside industrial robotics. The result of the ISM method shows the performance measure that affects the industrial robotics to support lean enterprise in terms of quality improvement, cost reduction and efficiency

    Effect Of Hidden Wastes In Overall Equipment Effectiveness Calculation

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    Overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) is commonly used as a scale in industry to indicate the effectiveness of the machine or process. Although it is just a multiplication of three criteria, availability, performance and quality rate, but it reflects the actual situation of the machine or process. OEE is one of the important elements in continuous improvement plan to assist operation team to indicate the scope of improvements. Therefore, it is important to track out all the wastes available in the calculation. However, it is not an easy task to track out wastes correctly. Although six big losses are mentioned in the OEE philosophy but there are wastes that hidden in the OEE percentages and tend to ignored by operation team. This is the obstacle for industry to achieve optimum OEE level. Therefore, the available of hidden wastes should be visualise and easy to detect. Maynard's operation sequence technique (MOST) is the suitable tool to quantify the hidden wastes in the OEE calculation since hidden wastes are referring to human interaction, movement or action. MOST is a work measurement tool that used to evaluate the manpower performance. Through MOST, a list of work standard can be constructed and used to compare with the hidden wastes. Then, a modified OEE calculation method is developed to enhance traditional OEE calculation in term of visualization of hidden wastes